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发布时间: 2024-05-17 14:30:06北京青年报社官方账号

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"China has been pushing the digital Silk Road and sharing the benefits brought by digital transformation," said Lin Nianxiu, deputy director of the National Development and Reform Commission. "We have signed cooperation agreements with over 16 countries in the building of the digital Silk Road, and launched the Belt and Road Digital Economy International Cooperation Initiative with seven countries."

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"China has switched to a consumption-driven growth model. As personal incomes continue to rise and domestic consumption keeps being upgraded, the retail banking business has enormous growth potential," he said.

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"COVID-19 stressed our shared urgency to bring this building back, restore the historical elements that the community has grown to cherish, and welcome these displaced nonprofits home as soon as possible. This is a good step to making that a reality, and I thank the mayor for taking this action," said City Council Member Margaret Chin.


"China is the only economic power in the world expected to realize growth in the world in 2020," the newspaper said, citing the latest World Economic Outlook update by the International Monetary Fund, adding that the public opinion in the international community widely backed such inspiring confidence.


"Canada is one of the greatest hockey powers in the world. Ontario is the birthplace and the most advanced area of women's hockey," said Jeanette Han, director of the Chinese Ice Hockey Association North America Center, who thanked the Canadian partners for their help. "They have spent great resources and efforts to help us develop women's hockey," Han said.


